First Frames First 96: How To Prepare for Important Meetings

Apr 8, 2021

Adrian and Jason sit down with former business coach Steve Downer to breakdown the various aspects and learn the tips to have a successful sales or pitch meeting. HINTS: Be early and be prepared!

    MAIN SEGMENT – Hot4Teacher

    What a great show! We ask Steve all about the meeting prep questions below, we talk about a number of books near and dear to Steve’s heart: (Click any of the links below, sign up for a free Audible trial, you can cancel at any time and you get to KEEP the audio book you download forever!)
    Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki)
    7 Habit of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey)
    What Every Body is Saying (Joe Navarro)

    One of Steve’s favourite quotes?
    A genius knows the answer before the question” — Oppenheimer

    Meeting Prep Questions
    1: Preparing for a meeting.
    How much should you research your attendees?

    2: Why is it important to determine clear objectives?

    3: Can we talk about different kinds of meetings? We would like to focus on a pitch meeting or sales meetings

    4: Can we talk about physical appearance – In person and virtual?

    5: Can we talk about body language and shaking hands? Give us a quick lesson in not fucking up a handshake.

    6: Any golden rules for behaviour during the meeting.

    7: Can we talk a little about a great close and how to end a meeting so that it is not the end of the relationship.

    8: Can we discuss how you follow up after a meeting?


    Whatcha Watchin?

    Steve just finished reading ‘Augmented: Life in the Smart Lanewhich he loved and just watched what Adrian called Guy Ritchie’s return to London gangster classic roots, The Gentleman!

    Adrian just finished and Jay is reading ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and Adrian is now reading a new book about Nikola Tesla called ‘Wizard‘. What an incredible and somehow heartbreaking story. Steve Downer says the story of Tesla is a lesson in IP rights.


    Our Guest: Steve Downer’s 3 Desert Island Movies!!

    1) Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

    2) Pursuit of Happiness

    3) Office Space

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