Special Guest Shalini Nagrani is back with a new way to think about kicking off your business venture, then kicks off coaching the lads a bit towards S.M.A.R.T. goals and the road to success!
First Frames First 47: Reaching the 7th level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs with Shalini Nagrani
Meditation, Business, Filmmaking, Agreeing that Adrian brushing his teeth in the shower is a big No-No, this episode is a lot of fun! Special Guest: Shalini Nagrani
First Frames First 46: There’s probably an apple falling near a tree reference in here somewhere.
The guys finally have Jason's dad on the show and things get a little silly. Ken is an amazing supporter of Fable Forest Films and has helped the team in so many ways. It's always a pleasure when we get to hang out and hear his stories about our adorable little...
First Frames First 45: King of the Road
Special guest Chris Watson is back with tales of driving across america, before discussing business lessons and how they can apply to filmmaking and life!
First Frames First 44: Dream Fatigue For The Artistic Few
Adrian sits down with Derek to discuss what artists can do when they start suffering from 'dream chasing' fatigue. Its a long road, how do you keep on trucking?
First Frames First 43: KeetahhKat On A Hot Tin Roof
Jason and Adrian sit down for chat with Adrian's niece, the 19 year old Keetah Konstant, an aspiring actress. They talk some dos and don'ts when trying to break into film acting.
First Frames First 42: Grow, Cook, Love – Behind The Scenes – Screen Test
In episode 41 Adrian and Jay talked about some of the show concepts they were pitching to Bell Media and the need for a screen test. In this unusual episode we go behind the scenes of the filming of the scree test. You get to see the flubs, the first takes, some of...
First Frames First 41: The Great Wall of VHS Tapes is Visible from Space!
Jay is a hoarder, the guys talk about Kickstarter and IndieGoGo campaigns, they discuss progress on Shifted and talk about the shows they have pitched to Bell Media!
First Frames First 40: Art of 8 Limbs Available on Bell Fibe TV1!
Jason and Adrian sit down for a quick update. The Art of 8 Limbs Muay Thai Documentary is now available to be viewed on Bell Fibe TV1 Network, the team has a plan to try and focus more on one project at a time, J & A are prepping for a Try a Triathlon, and Jason...
First Frames First 39: A Chip Off the Old Block!
Our TV Show 'The Art of 8 Limbs' Final Edits Have Been Delivered, with the show to released soon and our Short Film has not had any success with festival entries yet! Here are the Ups and Downs of the film journey! Jason's son Connor Green, a natural teen entertainer,...